關於pcb pads的評價, 電子製造,工作狂人
Since the electronic product design moves from desktop to portable devices, the manufacturer also m...
Since the electronic product design moves from desktop to portable devices, the manufacturer also m...
Since the electronic product design moves from desktop to portable devices, the manufacturer also m...
🎉Christmas is coming up🎄🎄🎄 #MightyNet is going t...
📢Mighty Tech🚩 📌What is PCB🤔 📔Know more from Mak...
學員詢問度破表🔥🔥⏱⏱ 大家引頸期盼的Layout課程終於要開課了🥳🥳 本年度最後機會‼️‼️...
使用講師編寫⭐️獨家教材⭐️ 著重Layout技巧教學👨🏫👩🏫 無經驗的你也🉑輕鬆上手‼️‼️💪...
9月下半場👏👏 科管局課程上好‼️上滿‼️💯 🎈9/21🎈 ✅Allegro高速電路板佈局設計...
轉發合作企業徵才訊息: 磐儀科技 RD 職缺一覽 21.05.29 1. Android Firm...
印刷電路板課程🤩🤩交給自強🙌🙌 👍自強出產,有口皆碑👍 ✍️Allegro高速電路板佈局設計基礎班...
沒有經驗卻想進入PCB Layout領域🤔🤔 想增加Layout技巧卻不知道從何下手❓❓ ...